Tuesday, 21 May 2013

How to call Utility at some interval in Asp.net and at Windows Server 2008 R2

How to call Utility at some interval in Asp.net and at Windows Server 2008 R2

Step 1: Open your Asp.net website first and create one page which is doing Utility task.

Step 2: Create one .vbs file and past below code on that file

Call RunIt()
Sub RunIt()

Dim RequestObj
Set RequestObj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

'Request URL...
URL = "http://www.xyz.com/UtilityTask.aspx"

'Open request and pass the URL
RequestObj.open "POST", URL , false

'Send Request

Set RequestObj = Nothing
End Sub

Step 3 : Create UtilityTask.aspx page and add code in page load event

Step 4 : Host your website .

Step 5 : Open your windows server at type Task Scheduler in start menu and open it and it's look like

Step 6: Click on Task Scheduler Library and click on Create Task one sub window will open

Step 7: Configure that task scheduler and point the .vbs file at server.

Step 8: That page is called every time as per your task scheduler.

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